Anime is pretty popular among autistic people. However, aside from being obsessed with Voltron as a kid, I never got into it. I’m wondering what I’m missing.

  • I'm back on my BS 🤪OPM
    25 days ago

    That reminds me of my friend. He doesn’t process faces like most people. If someone changes something about their appearance, he has a hard time recognizing them as the same person. For example, we were watching the new season of House of the Dragon. When one of the main characters showed up, he didn’t recognize them because they had aged 2 years, so their face changed slightly. See below.

    Prince Jacaerys Valeryon season 1:

    Prince Jacaerys Valeryon season 2:

      25 days ago

      Yeah that transition would throw me for a loop. Those two pictures look like two distinctly different people me. That seems like the kind of story I’d need to read rather than watch to get anything out of it, haha