I often work in rural TX. I’ve had a number of Texans suggest I ought to move there, cause muh freedums. Yeah, I target shoot a little, but I’m lefty as hell. I talk about guns sometimes to deflect questions about my politics.
They are so full of themselves. They think because great grandpa was a cowboy that they inherit all his toughness. I don’t know how grandpa lived, but I know Texans today live mostly in air conditioning and love shopping, huge portions, and convenience. They’re fully convinced there is nowhere better on Earth. But no, I’ve been all over the Earth. TX sucks and I’d never move there.
They’re fully convinced there is nowhere better on Earth.
Huh. So Texas is to Americans what America is to the world. Interesting.
(I’m mostly joking…)
It’s really accurate, though.
Most texans believe texas is the greatest place on earth while never having even left their state. That’s how delusional they are.