Likening people in the U.S. illegally to “human locusts,” Zuchowski wrote on a personal Facebook account and his campaign’s account: “When people ask me… What’s gonna happen if the Flip-Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say … write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards!” That way, Zuchowski continued, when migrants need places to live, “we’ll already have the addresses of their New families … who supported their arrival!”

    26 days ago

    Oh SMCF, darling, could you please come up with something more original, and while you’re at it could you make it grammatical, and maybe it could even scan and rhyme? This quotation only sticks in the mind because it’s like the most irritating commercial jingle. Might as well be Only Daisy cottage cheese will do, Satisfying and fresh, so creamy and delish…

    Edit: Some folks on the force are kissin’ Trump’s arse, while he’s smoochin’ Putin’s, with prayers for the shootin’s… Okay that’s terrible but I didn’t feel I should just tell you do do something and not even try myself