Update: The answer to my question wasn’t certain, but the conclusion I came to is that there’s no option to delete my account for this Japanese website.

I have absolutely no clue where else to ask this. All the places I’ve thought of, I feel that people would get mad for being off topic.

First off, I can’t read Japanese. Some months ago I created an account on a Japanese website called 5Channel (be.5ch.net) because I was trying to help share an archival project for the Nintendo 3DS SpotPass service, which was shutting down at the time. I used Yandex translator to screenshot the web pages and navigate and understand the site and how to create an account. After making an account, I never ended up figuring out how to actually use the website.

So now, it’s been a few months, and all I want to do is delete the account which I no longer need. I’ve been using Yandex again to try to find a settings page for my account where I can delete it, but I simply cannot find the option anywhere. I know with some sites, you need to contact the site owners through email to delete your account, which is normally mentioned in the websites policy agreement. But no matter where I look, I simply can’t find any information on how to find this policy. Does anyone have any advice and/or knows a better place to ask for help with this? Thanks.

  • TootSweet@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I think having a way to delete accounts is legally required by some jurisdictions. And sometimes if a site does business in such a jurisdiction and are required to have a way to do that, they’ll still offer that option those outside the jurisdictions in question. (It’s easier to just allow everyone who asks than to have rules keeping track of who can and can’t legally demand it.)

    But if this is an image board hosted in Japan intended for a Japanese audience, and if Japan has no such legal requirements (or if such requirements don’t apply here for some reason), then, your experience with websites that operate in/for countries where they speak your language(s) notwithstanding, it’s highly plausible this site just doesn’t have any way to delete accounts.