, like and, has consistently been accused of improper Federation practices and many instances have decided to ban one or both of the latter by default, with many individual users having already gone further to block the former as well. However, many individual users on seem unaware of the accusations of the practices of their admins, and some people go so far as to see as a sort of default instance on the Fediverse.

This discussion promotes wider knowledge of the situation and what might be done about it in the future, in order to e.g. not turn away new potential Federation members (Fedizens?:-) that could otherwise associate what happens on that instance as something relating to the Fediverse as a whole.

    4 months ago

    Checking up on the Mod Log regularly reveals exactly how petty and unhinged many mods on Fedi are. Suppression of political ideas is the main one.

      • OpenStars@discuss.onlineOP
        4 months ago

        Except when that process gets subverted by someone with admin access to the database, as the OP discussion mentions:-(. But when it works properly, absolutely yes:-).

    • OpenStars@discuss.onlineOP
      4 months ago

      I for one go there extremely rarely, and only to look up specific matters. It does not help that something (post or comment) could be removed by either a community moderator, on one instance, or an admin, on an entirely different instance. But I am glad that there are people that analyze it:-).

      I used to be a mod of a small and then another medium-sized (for a niche) community on Reddit. Since coming to Kbin and then Lemmy, I have not volunteered to moderate anything. We need people to, but it’s an extremely depressing job.

      It’s like politicians: we need them, but the role tends to attract the attentions of those least suited to get it done:-(. And the actual GOOD ones tend to not stay for long - perhaps a year or two, if they actually care about the community that they moderate:-|.

        4 months ago

        I’m banned-for-life from there.

        Russia invaded/desecrated/butchered Ukraina, & I remember what the vids showed of Mariupol ( sorry spelling ).

        I made a comment on there to the effect that if Putin was the pusher of the war, then making things as politically-difficult for Putin in the election would be a Good Thing™.

        ( to me, the obvious implied-point is that it might have ended an immensely-wasting-of-life war that people other than Putin weren’t so interested in, and that, by definition, must therefore be a Good Thing™ )

        Anybody who pushes Russia’s butchering of Ukraina as something which cannot be spoken-against, is fucking terrorist-at-heart.

        Just my opinion, but there I’ve no right to such opinion.

        The beauty of this?

        It perfectly demonstrates how segregation-of-ideologies allows positive-feedback-loops, which produces extremism.

        Left, right, political, religious, moneyarchist, legalist, nationalist, sexist/genderist, ALL ideologies are self-amplifying.

        There’s a book on the US’s political-segregation ( “The Big Sort” ) & it looks like that mechanism, ideological-segregation, has only 1 outcome: butchery/war.

        So, given the evidence, it looks like the whole world is going to be butchering everybody within a … decade or so.

        Amplification, feedback-loop, polarization, and nothing is countering its controlling of the process of this world

        it’s got an outcome.

        And if our world’s population won’t stop/prevent the “drunk driver” from force-crashing our “bus” with all our world’s peoples in it … well, then we get crashed/killed.

        The Great Filter.

        WHEN one has cancer, THEN is it right to KILL that cancer??

        WHEN one is newly-infected with rabies, THEN is it valid to prime one’s immune-system to as violently as possible defend one’s life against rabies?

        Or should we just make-nice, live in making-believing, & hope that our hopium works??

        What Russia’s been doing to Ukraina, what Hamas got Israel to be doing against the Palestinians & all the journalists…

        do we let rabies overrun our world’s life?

        Will the US allow rabies to overrun its life?

        ( yes, obviously.

        The others … likewise.

        Therefore, Universe’s Natural Selection is looking to be … “pruning” our world from the worlds-in-Universe-with-civilized-life-on-them, this century … isn’t it? )

        _ /\ _