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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021

  • Do you really not see how Israel attacked Iran twice in an attack that would constitute an act of war with every other country in the world?

    I love how you don’t mention that the US promised Iran a peace treaty if they ignored Israel assassinating an ambassador to the country in Iran’s capital.

    How bad faith do you have to be to pretend that Israel isn’t the crazy one attacking everyone first and committing acts that the former head of the CIA described as a terrorist attack.

    Israel is trying to enact a nihilistic regional murder spree, and it is obvious to everyone that isn’t okay with the systematic slaughter of children.

  • In recent history there have been three apartheid countries.

    Apartheid South Africa (interestingly enough at the end they were ONLY supported by Israel which even then recognized they were an apartheid country) which peacefully gave equal rights to all citizens, even though they described the citizens with unequal rights as terrorists.

    Rhodesia, with delusions of grandeur of their own martial skill (huh, the metaphor is even better than I thought. I mean, who the fuck thought it was a smart idea to have a tank heavy army in an urban setting without screening infantry.) That fought against giving their unequal citizens rights militarily until they were defeated.

    And Israel. Whom every black person that lived through apartheid South Africa and has visited the West Bank or Gaza has described as being far worse in terms of humiliation and lack of rights.

    And you wonder why I bring up Rhodesia?

    At this point, defenders of Israel are as morally repugnant as every white person in the eighties that defended apartheid South Africa or Rhodesia.

    And no, a racist (which is a required attribute to defend apartheid) is not a diverse voice that should be represented.

    Oh and that racist country is currently trying to do everything in it’s power to start a war with Iran, and drag my country into it. Also, all the weapons that racist country uses is paid for with my tax dollars, so every one of the twenty thousand or more children it has blown up is someone that is dead through my money. So yeah, it’s very relevant. I’m sick of paying for Israel to murder children of a people whose land it wants.