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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Yeahhhh, no.

    Like the original commenter said, you are either ignorant or stupid.

    Anyone who actively lived during Trump’s awful years in office has all the info we need to NOT vote for that fucking orange idiot, and instead CLAMBER to anyone with ANY semblance of sanity.

    If you honestly think that Biden losing will help anyone in any way whatsoever (besides Trump and his little rich bastards who are as evil as he is), you, and anyone else who feels that way, are a lost cause.

  • I still remember watching their debate, live, and Biden running circles around that fucking idiot because all he could do was jibber jabber nonsense, and continually kept talking over Biden during Biden’s turn. I then had people try to tell me that Biden was too old to debate, that Trump ran circles around Biden, and that Trump had taken the win for the debate.

    It was at this time, where I fully became radicalized. I realized that the reality that I watched in real time, was not the same reality that these people were in.

    Anyway, I’m assuming Biden will still run circles around Trump, whether he be there or not. Maybe this time, Biden will actually get to use his time to talk without the orange fucking idiot opening his.

  • Reading through these comments… yikes guys. I use TikTok sometimes, and love the content it provides that YouTube does not provide. Seeing the straight up hate for the app, mixed with the misunderstanding of what the app CAN be if you actually use it, is chilling to say the least. If they were banning ALL social media apps, and their companies, I’d be all for this. As it is, I can not see why you would all be cheering so hard for TikTok to be sold to some American asshole, just for it to start getting enshittified, and then STILL sell your data to Russia, China, and anyone else who wants a slice. The fact you are all hating on TikTok so much, but not questioning our own American social media companies, and wanting them to be banned too, is frightening.

    I’ve seen a few comments saying it is spyware. On iOS at least, there is an icon that pops up to let you know when an app is using your camera or microphone. Not only that, but when you start an app for the first time, it has to request to you the user if you want to allow it access to these things. I said no, of course, because when I first started using it, I fucking hated TikTok. Turns out, when you use it for like a week, it starts to get REALLY good at delivering content you want to see.

    Anyway, it doesn’t matter, as I’m sure plenty of you will disagree, complain, and then go on using your American owned social medias, that are still hoovering up and selling your data.

    The only differences being that China wasn’t making a cent out of me, nor do any of these equally shitty American social medias. Oh well, I guess we just really love our own little national narratives.

  • Well, I’ll tell you that I tried all the weapons in the game even with the stupid durability mechanic turned off. Each weapon has its own advantages. So, with durability turned off, I had the master sword for all the mobs I didn’t feel like dealing with as I was exploring. I had a fire sword to use for tactics or to light stuff on fire/cook. A ice wand because I liked the tactical advantage, and the same can be said for the thunder wand.

    After that, every other weapon in the game was a reskin of other weapons. There was no point to them other than to have them there because of the stupid mechanic. Your rusted sword swings the exact same way as the master sword. It’s just a pin in the ass to use. Wow. That is just so fun.

    But in all seriousness, it’s just not a good mechanic to have in a video game that is not trying to be a realistic video game.

  • I completely disagree with your reasoning. As I have stated above, all that I’ve ever been shown is some funny videos sure, but MOSTLY average people like myself who are constantly fucked by those above us all and voice their opinions, freely, on the app. I finally have an app where people aren’t posting pictures of their selves trying to pretend they’re happy. I finally have an app where I can hear others who think about the systemic injustices constantly bombarding us in this digital era.

    It’s quite funny you say they got this one right, but they also allow censoring of our “news” stations here, and the content that is on american social medias. you do see that, right? So, it’s okay in your eyes, for a foreign app to be banned, but no restrictions for the apps that american companies deploy that also have a narrative to push? you don’t think this could’ve been a SWEEPING bill that includes ALL social medias? Why just this one? It has been proven that Russia and Chinese bot farms are swamping Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Why is this not something they care about? Truly, I want to hear this from you.

    Why do you think they want to ban this ONE app? To prevent data from leaking out? What data homie? Millions of people crying out to each other that their system is rigged against them?

    Are you insane?

  • EDIT: Since it seems like some people lost the plot of my comment, somehow…

    TLDR: Government sector in USA has 81% of the people in charge agreeing to ban an app, while there are kids being told they are too poor to afford to eat at a building that is mandated by the government to be there.

    People dying from overpriced medicine and care? Nothing we can do!

    People starving from companies overpricing their shit quality food? Nothing we can do!

    People paying more taxes than companies, while those same companies pay little to NO taxes, while raking in “record breaking profits!!!” Nothing we can do!

    Some app that allows the people to talk to each other, and to band together, about how shitty our situation is? An app that allows people to voice their issues of our government, freely, while attaining thousands and millions of views with like-minded people who are also sick of their government fucking them every step they can? BAN IT! QUICKLY EVERYONE, BAN IT BEFORE THEY REALIZE WE’RE COMPLICIT WITH EACH OTHER IN CONSTANTLY FUCKING OVER THOSE STUPID PEASANTS!

    Seriously, guys. Can you think of the last time we had 81% of our house actively working together to help the people? I sure can’t.