I agree, Rancher Desktop over Podman Desktop. But if you want to cut out Docker CE completely, I think Podman is the only option.
I agree, Rancher Desktop over Podman Desktop. But if you want to cut out Docker CE completely, I think Podman is the only option.
Podman or Rancher Desktop
I might be wrong, but they meta-search across multiple providers, including their own. The real benefit is that YOU can choose which search subjects to prioritize when trying to find something specific.
For normal search stuff, this feels like “old Google” (no ai spam). For detailed searching, its better than any other engine I’ve used.
100%. Best option ever
I’ve been really happy with Kagi since switching.
It wouldn’t be noticed by you, it’s noticed by the shorter folks. I’m tall enough to “pass” for tall, but no one says “you’re tall” to me. My short friends have all had to deal with this phenomenon.
We use Alma, which is basically Rocky. Before that, CentOS. Lots of people don’t need or want the expensive support contracts.
OSS support though donations and commits is the way to go unless you get value out of those contracts (we would not).
It probably was tested. I’ll enjoy reading the post mortem they’ll inevitably do. I’m going with, they tested it, but didn’t text xyz that demonstrated the bug.
Be ready to deal with a backup plan. Consumer services like Backblaze don’t work with Linux.
I have opted into backing my data up to a local network NAS machine which in-turn backs all of its data up to a StorJ backed s3:// compatible endpoint which is very inexpensive.
It takes a vigilante to raze a village? That other way?
There are some reasons. Networking can get messed up, so Docker Desktop “fixed that” for you, but the dirty secret is it’s basically a Linux VM with Docker CE and some convenience network routes.