I swear to god, please please please do not blast your fucking music, even if it is rad like ratm, on the walking trail. No one likes it and it makes you look like an asshole and I have to glare at you instead of giving you a friendly wave.
I swear to god, please please please do not blast your fucking music, even if it is rad like ratm, on the walking trail. No one likes it and it makes you look like an asshole and I have to glare at you instead of giving you a friendly wave.
I don’t know if this is the case for that couple, but a lot of insurance requires that you rebuild on the same location. We need to change laws so that this isn’t the case anymore. It is a massive problem.
I remember hearing a story like twenty years ago about a person that figured out that serial number were disclosing payouts. They would buy a bunch, find the winners, scratch them, then return the losers for their money back. I think I heard about it on a planet money or this American life ages and ages ago.
Also, contemplating orbs.
Honestly? This would work on this court.
And how the fuck am I even to make a decent technical without a Hilux?
That might be a bit hyperbolic. It is a really good one but the adventure park one is the best episode based on how funny it is. And the little Nazis one is probably better in terms of content. But it is a really good single episode that I recommend to people that is eye opening.
It’s a great book. I listened to the audiobook from the library.
I was introduced to the concept from the Behind the Bastards episode “Elite Panic” which is a great introduction to the topic and my favorite BtB episode of all time.
Iron males is something I can imagine some incel dreaming up. It might be a fun troll.
The funny thing about disasters is that they tend to bring out the best in people. Read Solnit’s A Paradise Built in Hell for a good survey of the phenomenon. Elites tend to panic and get the rest of us killed during a crisis while we the people are unfucking things cooperatively.
It is widely understood in the white supremacy community that this would happen. But they are a bunch of fucking dipshits.
Molly Conger has an excellent podcast that highlights people like this called “Weird Little Guys”. This tactic is mentioned in like 50% of episodes.
I’m sorry for your loss. He looks very cute in that photo. May his memory be a blessing.
Amateurs. Never put a date on your rapture predictions. Just say it is happening soon.
They are dropping it to focus on the important shit. Forcing bullshit genai stuff into their browser and working on adtech.
You’re not wrong.
This seems like a bad place to put a town
I think Oliver also offered him $1 million a year from Oliver’s personal moneys. Which is not an insignificant amount of money for a justice who isn’t corrupt.
This must sound terrible. So high pitched
He crossed it before he was president when he suggested he wouldn’t accept the results of an election.
You are doing the pugjesus’s work with this one.