• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • What is “English” though? The English language is mish-mash or Norse, French, Latin, Greek, Danish, Spanish, and their old versions. It’s why it’s so difficult to get pronunciation right.

    Look at the etymology of the majority of English words and it’ll be “middle english from anglo-french” or “old english from ancient greek” or something.

    Some languages have diverged very little from their origins like Icelandic which allows reading 12th century texts without much difficulty, while others are barely distinguishable from their origins due to loans words, forced changes due to e.g royalty, invasion, and so on.

    I’m sure a linguist could dive way more into depth, but “not English words” is the equivalent of “not a true Scotsman”.

  • I have the same feelings for people who blame immigrants for all their problems.

    • Boss earns 10x+ your salary? It’s those bloody immigrants’ fault for coming and increasing competition!
    • Union tries to form and there’s no solidarity amongst workers? You bet those immigrants are to blame!
    • Not enough staff for sanitation, education, and healthcare so the government flies in workers from abroad? My oh my are those immigrants to blame for accepting jobs given to them.
    • People flee from the countries our elite bombs, exploits, and corrupts? Blame them for fleeing and coming here, not the elite!
    • Billionaires don’t pay taxes and lobby the fuck out of politicians to get hand outs? Look at those immigrants and poor people getting hand outs! Gotta get them out of the country!

    So who do these low and middle class people vote for? Politicians who continuously fuck over the middle and lower class. Do they organize themselves to demand higher wages, better living standards, more investment in public infrastructure? No, they demand “smaller government”, less affordable healthcare, bigger paychecks for their bosses so that it “trickles down”, they follow online propaganda that blames others and convinces them that other middle class and poor people are against them, they buy goods from monopolies and even proudly promote these monopolies, they idolize the rich and elite who don’t give a fuck about them, and of course they blame those who are struggling or even those who immigrate to provide much needed services.

    Racists, xenophobes, and right-wingers in general are just as snow-flakey as the “woke mob”. They exacerbate the problems they have then blame whichever scapegoat they can find that can’t punch back. They’re just weak and don’t want to fight a strong, rich, well-connected opponent - they want to let out their frustrations against a weaker opponent: they’re bullies.