You’ll pry my tabs and red stapler out of my cold dead hands.
You’ll pry my tabs and red stapler out of my cold dead hands.
Mmmm, McDonald’s
I did train our cat to come to a whistle.
Yeah, we’re the opposite, we have a chest freezer in the garage on top of our kitchen freezer, so basically unlimited.
Same hunk of brown sugar for 10 years. Is there a shelf life? We don’t eat that much sugar…
Not my parents, me. Brown sugar goes in the freezer so it doesn’t dry out and become a piece of granite.
Every American has to try that at least once. Minus the orange subtance, but that one is my personal preference.
I’ve found both CBT and DBT helpful.
Driving to work 110 miles a day meant I had to get gas once per week, driving out of my way, stopping to get gas cost me 500 minutes per year as opposed to the two seconds to plug in at home. Totally a no brainer. I HATED stopping for gas on the way home from work at 11 in the evening, or whatever hour really. I think of people tied to ICE engines the way people were tied to outhouses a hundred years ago.
Don’t need the homeless. You can pluck a hair, donate your blood, or even take a plug of your foreskin if you have one, to generate the neural stem cells from iPSC, the cell type they use in this process.
You win
And the editor in me thinks it works better as “these wounds in my ass, they will not heal”