• I’ve always felt good about using Ubuntu and derivatives. I get their opinions and they have some good points, but I’m not sure why I’d let that change my flow.

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪
      23 days ago

      Because Ubuntu sucks! 👎 Here’s a list of why:

      • Snaps = 👹

      • Ads in start menu (they did this before Winblows!)

      • Unity is sooo fucking slow and stupid. That dumbass bar of most used apps always present taking up screen space 🙉

      • Canonical doesn’t give a shit what users want🖕

      But the most important part is that I really don’t care. I don’t use your computer. You do. So use whatever the 🔥hell🔥 you want. Use a version of Winblows 🪟 themed to look like Arch 🤭, wallpaper and all👌, then post screenshots on the Internet about your superiority 💪.

      Live how you want! And if someone shames you for it, kick them out of you life 😎