• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Okay, ignore the protest part for a moment and look at the crime…

    No. The “crime” is the means necessary to make the protest heard.

    A group conspire to intentionally disrupt a major highway, breaking multiple violations including endangerment of motorists, major disruption of public and emergency services, and recruitment of 45 others to aid the intent, causing~ $3M in damages. And, yes, people of the publiic obviously sustained injuries but there is fortunately no known causation of death. This for 4 days resulting in over 700,000 people impacted and an estimated loss of 50,000 hours to the public

    Which is less than nothing compared to the climate change and direct death caused by the fossil fuel industries out of pure greed every fucking day!

    Get out of here with your Texas Sharpshooter fallacy bullshit!

    Now that could be for whatever reason. The Tories, MAGA supporters, West Ham losing, or YouTubers; doesn’t matter.

    Of COURSE it matters! You can’t just wave away their mission to basically save the world to make only the means matter!

    By your metric, not only was Gandhi and Martin Luther King wrong, but so were fucking WWII resistance fighters!

    Whether or not you’re white, YOU’RE the moderate MLK is talking about here:

    • saltesc@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Which is less than nothing compared to the climate change and direct death caused by the fossil fuel industries out of pure greed every fucking day!

      That’s not the job of a court to handle in a specific case. We do not want a justice system that bends to leniency or malice based on opinions external to the case. Do you understand why society adheres to the concept, “justice is blind”?

      Since you’re dropping claims of fallacy out of context, I will help by putting it into context…

      The court does not (and should not) care for what cause the sharpshooter in Texas murdered for, they are there to address the committing of murder and sentence justly so.

      Unlike those principally involved in law, you have taken a side of personal opinion, making for a nightmare scenario of a judge. Though you obviously wouldn’t last long in the judicial system applying personal bias based on what you think is right over the law.