Image: Cartoon drawing of two people sitting on and looking out of opposites of a bus. The one on the left is sad looking at a hillside. They are labeled, “Someone who think I have beef with them.” The person on the right is happy and looking at a beautiful view. They are labeled, “My autistic ass who has no idea what I said was offensive.”

    102 months ago

    Does happen to AuDHD me sometimes. But equally as much, person on sunny side of bus: “friend or colleague going about their day thinking we had a normal interaction”, person on dark side of bus; “rejection sensitivity dysphoria telling me they took everything I said the wrong way and now they probably hate me”.

    62 months ago

    Oof had a coworker who would say the most brutal rude things and just go about his business not understanding what just happened. Tried to explain and realized he truly did not get it so I went the other route and warned new people to just take it easy with little homie as he will destroy you but he doesn’t mean anything by it.

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪OPM
      52 months ago

      Good thing he had you around, so thanks for looking out for him. If you feel comfortable, what are some examples of how he would inadvertently destroy others?