The world's richest one percent increased their fortunes by a total of $42 trillion over the past decade, Oxfam said Thursday, ahead of a G20 summit in Brazil where taxing the super-rich tops the agenda.
Yep I definitely agree with your last point. And likewise, appreciate that we could have a discussion about this sensibly. Not sure a finite currency would solve these issues as they are human issues. My take would be addressing the human aspect of these problems through education, which is to be fair pretty unlikely to happen.
As you say though conversation is the way forward, whether we’re taking about crypto or anything else. Cheers :)
Yep I definitely agree with your last point. And likewise, appreciate that we could have a discussion about this sensibly. Not sure a finite currency would solve these issues as they are human issues. My take would be addressing the human aspect of these problems through education, which is to be fair pretty unlikely to happen.
As you say though conversation is the way forward, whether we’re taking about crypto or anything else. Cheers :)