I’ve got a pretty severe sensitivity to – of all things – sugar. (I know, “sugar” isn’t very precise, but I’m pretty sure it’s either glucose, fructose, or sucrose.) I virtually never eat anything with added sugar or anything with any significant amount of natural sugar. And I’ve eaten that way for like 20 years now. I’m practically blind to half the produce department (any “sweet” fruits like apples, pears, cherries, grapes, oranges, etc) at the grocery store, let alone the candy isle.
Where? Doubt any vegans would hate on “I literally have to for medical reasons”
Weird narrative to try and push
Have you seen the vegans who feed their fucking cats vegan food until they die?
No, I’ve never met any real life vegan or vegetarian that would purposefully put a living beings life in danger for the sake of not putting living beings in danger.
Because that would be very very stupid of them. Maybe I don’t hang around enough idiots though.