• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Excuse me, but the Jupiter Charter of 1982 clearly states in section 1 that I am, by a unanimous vote of the people of Jupiter, president for life.

    Before that, the entire population of Jupiter was officially zero. So I decided to vote myself as President of Jupiter, along with chief justice of the Jupiter Supreme Court, and every other government position of Jupiter. When I wrote the Jupiter Charter, I did it with a vision that the people of Jupiter would from there on self-govern and make their own choices. So I added a clause saying that only natural-born citizens of Jupiter, who are physically on Jupiter on election day, can vote for anything. So until there are at least two people physically on Jupiter and able to vote me out, I am and will remain the president of Jupiter.

    My inauguration speech, and our national anthem for your reference.

      • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I think I need to let you know about the last time someone tried that. See, they tried to impeach me when I was president of Saturn and tried to have me impeached from exile on one of Saturn’s moons. So I blew up the whole moon. Where do you think those rings came from? When you have Presidential immunity, you can commit moonicide like that and not lose any votes. It’s where the Supreme Court got the idea for their latest ruling.