The Geneva convention was established to minimise atrocities in conflicts. Israeli settlements in Gaza are illegal and violate the Geneva convention. Legality of Israeli settlements Article 51 of the Geneva convention prohibits indiscriminate attacks on civilian population yet Israel attacked hospitals with children inside. Whether you agree or not that Hamas were present, children cannot be viewed as when no care was taken to protect them, does this not constitute a violation? According to save the children, 1 in 50 children in Gaza had been killed or injured. This is a very high proportion and does not show care being taken to prevent such casualties and therefore constitutes a violation.

So my question is simply, do supporters of Israel no longer support our believe in the Geneva convention, did you never, or how do you reconcile Israeli breaches of the Geneva convention? For balance I should add “do you not believe such violations are occurring and if so how did you come to this position?”

Answers other than only "they have the right to go after Hamas " please. The issue is how they are going after Hamas, not whether they should or not.

EDIT: Title changed to remove ambiguity about supporting Israel vs supporting their actions

    29 days ago

    (Comment 2 of 2)

    Empathy can be useful even to put yourself in the shoes of the wicked. I’ll be honest: If I put myself in the shoes of a desperate Gazan whose children and wife were blown up by an Israeli air strike, I wouldn’t just think, “Hamas did this!” I would say, “I thought Israel were the good guys and yet look how little they value the lives of us body shields?” At which point in my grief and blind revenge I would join the movement to seek revenge — especially if I’m of limited economic opportunity (what job is there now that Gaza is in ruins?) and of low education. The Taliban fought a war from caves against a force far exceeding Israel and ultimately won. Just as the Vietcong ultimately did. For Israel, this is their Vietnam; this is their Vietcong. Now, strategically, if you were tasked with being the David against the Goliath that is the IDF and you were severely out-gunned, it simply would not be wise strategy to sit in the open against someone who has precision-targeted air force. Knowing your enemy and knowing that Israel holds itself to a moral standard of not harming civilians, I too would probably hide among the civilians. What I would NOT expect is that my opponent who holds the moral high-ground would suddenly decide that killing as many civilians as it takes is 100% okay. Perhaps there was a miscalculation, but then I’d also just go and huddle in my tunnels as the civilians incur the majority of damage above. Does it really impact anything for terrorists who can simply recruit a new army from the surviving orphans, get new weapons from Iran and Lebanon, and have the next leader take its place no different than what happens with the Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaeda? 20 years of failed US interventionism as a stronger fighting force no less suggests a resounding No.

    Let me give you a hypothetical. Just suppose you’re wrong and Bibi is doing this solely to remain in power. Suppose he knows that this won’t eliminate terrorism but only exacerbate it but doesn’t care. Suppose he and his cronies want to annex new beachfront property and as Naomi Klein spells out in The Shock Doctrine and to paraphrase Milton Friedman that a crisis is a great opportunity for profit — consider that at least my methodology permits outsiders to immediately protect innocent civilians no matter where they are or whether they’re victims of offense or victims of a defensive maneuver. Surely you’re aware that perception is reality and that many in Russia wrongly believe just as Hamas that they are doing the right thing. That in fact they are the oppressed by NATO, by Nazis, by creeping Jewish annexation shoving them into tighter and tighter slums. After all, so goes the saying that one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. So naturally, heinous crimes against civilians are justified everywhere under false pretenses that it is actually THEY who are on the defense and retaliating for an arbitrary act of the opposition from their perspective of reality. At least with my approach, we can cut through the bullshit of “he started, they started it; I’m justified/they’re justified” and just go straight to the quantifiable reality: “Who is actively inflicting more pain and suffering at this present moment on innocent people?” And that is, at this moment, 100% Israel. Keep in mind that when October 7th happened while I was no fan of Netanyahu’s actions and stoking the flames of day-in-day-out suffering of Palestinians, I was still in Israel’s corner and felt sorry for the civilian lives lost. Do you see how my allegiance isn’t to nationalism but rather humanism? And in maintaining such optics, you’re able to in the moment identify the key threat to innocent loss of life independent of alleged justification that is often in the eye of the beholder.

    So could the crisis for innocent civilians end if Hamas surrenders? Possibly, yes. But that necessitates expecting the terrorists to do what Israel themselves as the “good guys” have been unable to do—practice reasonable restraint. You and I both don’t expect Hamas to do the “right” thing; but we do expect the “good guys” who supposedly hold themselves to a higher moral standard than that of a terrorist organization to do the right thing in valuing innocent human life. Yet actions speak louder than words and we care not what excuse a murderer has when they kill an innocent child; only that they did.

    Ultimately I don’t believe you can excuse the civilian death toll incurred by Israel by exclaiming, “The murdering of innocent civilians will stop when the murdering terrorists suddenly value innocent human lives like we supposedly do!” That doesn’t make sense, again, is a race to the bottom where only the civilians will suffer.

    You mention that you’d have no problem with an independent group investigating Israel for their actions, and that is exactly what is happening at the ICC. Bibi shares crimes against humanity charges alongside Sinwar and Putin. (Keep in mind that Jack Smith who worked at the ICC to prosecute war lords is now the lead prosecutor against Trump right now).