You were supposed to tell me I’m wrong! FUCK.
I had that experience and its everything but fun.
Damn, that sucks. Sorry to hear that! D:
Aren’t they supposed to do that though? I had a similar experience recently and was surprised by how supportive my therapist is.
Hello friend.
Your post is breaking rule #1 of this community: All posts must be titled “egg_irl” or “egg[some emojis]irl”. Please fix your title to prevent your post from being removed!
What a stupid rule🙄 Having to tell people how to have fun🙈
I didn’t make the rule. it has existed since the original egg_irl back on reddit. Your post was reported by other members of this community for having broken the first rule of this community.
I am but a servant to the masses, and the masses demand this rule stay in place, as is and has always been the tradition of egg_irl.