The phrase refers to an orbiting body (a planet or protoplanet) “sweeping out” its orbital region over time, by gravitationally interacting with smaller bodies nearby. Over many orbital cycles, a large body will tend to cause small bodies either to accrete with it, or to be disturbed to another orbit, or to be captured either as a satellite or into a resonant orbit. As a consequence it does not then share its orbital region with other bodies of significant size, except for its own satellites, or other bodies governed by its own gravitational influence. This latter restriction excludes objects whose orbits may cross but that will never collide with each other due to orbital resonance, such as Jupiter and its trojans, Earth and 3753 Cruithne, or Neptune and the plutinos.[3] As to the extent of orbit clearing required, Jean-Luc Margot emphasises “a planet can never completely clear its orbital zone, because gravitational and radiative forces continually perturb the orbits of asteroids and comets into planet-crossing orbits” and states that the IAU did not intend the impossible standard of impeccable orbit clearing.[2]
I say again, did… Pluto… CLEAR… ITS… ORBIT?
Wait, doesn’t Pluto cross Neptune’s orbit? Has Neptune cleared its orbit?
Fuck it, Earth just adds more garbage to its orbit
That’s what we call an advanced civilisation. We defy the power of planets.
It’s trying its best, okay?
Pluto, would you mind doing an orbit for the lady?
It’ll be a while, in the meantime would you like to raise a few generations?
That’s enough trying. Shut the fuck up and clear your orbit or GTFO.
I mean… yes?
Jupiter has over 11,000 trojans. Is that orbit cleared?