I assume the figure was amortized across typical passenger loads. So if a bus typically carries 10 people, $10/mile to operate becomes $1/mile/passenger. I think that’s what Musk is quoting here. I don’t know where he gets that figure, but if it’s accurate (big doubt) and if he can beat it (again, big doubt), then that’s absolutely amazing!
I tried looking for figures, but most of the numbers I see are revenue per passenger, not operating cost per passenger. Revenue isn’t particularly interesting because so many transit systems heavily subsidize mass transit.
I assume the figure was amortized across typical passenger loads. So if a bus typically carries 10 people, $10/mile to operate becomes $1/mile/passenger. I think that’s what Musk is quoting here. I don’t know where he gets that figure, but if it’s accurate (big doubt) and if he can beat it (again, big doubt), then that’s absolutely amazing!
I tried looking for figures, but most of the numbers I see are revenue per passenger, not operating cost per passenger. Revenue isn’t particularly interesting because so many transit systems heavily subsidize mass transit.