im sad and have noone to talk to about it… except for wifey, and two friends… but this is about one of the two friends, and they are friends with each other too… and telling wifey about it always leads to me feeling worse because she’ll say clever things like “just talk to him about it” …

i dont want to talk to him about it, that would mean i would have to acknowledge the problem and address it directly.

what a silly way to deal with emotional turmoil, am i right?

no i know im not right… i wouldnt be posting this crap if i knew i was right. i know im wrong and i should talk to him about it but i just cant ;_;

yeah… i know you must be thinking i need therapy and you would be absolutely right, except i hate going to the doctor and them being a special type of doctor for the mind and such doesnt make my detestation for docs any better.

sorry this really isnt about me being transfem. i AM transfem, but that doesnt have anything to do with the rest of it… except i cut off most people i knew even before i transitioned… just because they would no longer be part of my daily life. which sucks but i guess i did this to myself so serves me right.

anyway, im sad, tired, nostalgic and have no point. thanks for reading ._.

    14 days ago

    I also struggle with “triangulation” - when I have problem with person A (let’s call them Alice), I go to person B (obviously named Bob) and vent about it with Bob so I don’t blow up on Alice.

    Sometimes a therapist is a better person to talk to than Bob, but they’re not usually there for you when you need them (usually the venting is more immediate).

    The triangulation with Bob is probably most unhealthy when it becomes a habituated way to enable dysfunction in your relationship with Alice, because the problem never gets addressed with Alice because you can work out all your frustration over the problem with Bob.

    Sometimes it’s best to just calm down first (without discharging all motivation or energy to deal with the problem with Alice), and then think through the right way to approach Alice and talk through the problem. This is where a therapist can be helpful: strategizing how to address the relationship problems. However, as you might guess this also can easily turn into emotional triangulation while appearing to be Entirely Healthy™️.

    Anyway, I’m sorry - I hope you are able to take care of yourself and feel better. Sometimes when I’m sad and overwhelmed it’s because of something else: I’m tired, hungry, over-worked, etc. and addressing those other things then make it easier for me to think more clearly and regulate my emotions better. I know that’s easier said than done, but identifying what self-care you need and organizing around that can really help.