I couldn’t be more incredibly proud of my wife as her first published work came out today. It is an urban fantasy book named ‘Zauberer’, which is German for wizard. Her main character is a med school graduate who gets in a car accident and wakes with telekinetic powers, and then finds out her boss from the bookstore she worked at through college is a wizard who then introduces her to the hidden world of magic thinking she is now part of the community, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! I also love how unique her antagonistic faction is, the Unkindness. I haven’t read anything like it (though if you have, feel free to recommend me something!). I made her website, linked below. There you can find links for Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but I plan on adding more stores, as her book should be available virtually anywhere in the US, and several retailers in the UK, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The book is available in print or digital. We only have the book available in English, and currently no plans for translations, though that would be cool. We also have an audiobook version releasing sometime next year. We are in the early stages of getting that made. https://www.aderstine.com Please check out the website, buy the book, and if you liked it, please leave a review if you can. The greatest path to an authors success is positive reviews.

  • Carrolade@lemmy.world
    20 hours ago

    This is acceptable marketing imho, but you might drum up more interest if you start up an AMA for her.