By cryptography I refer to alternate expressions of communication, at least compared to most people who limit their means of communication expressions. My most commonly used method is a certain code where every possible set of two colours are combined to get thirty six combinations, which are then each assigned to one of the twenty six letters or one of the ten one-digit numbers, equaling thirty-six. Any object can be a form of communication if you try hard enough.
No movie genre really stands out to me. I like movies of all genres.
So then what are your favourite movies/films in general?
Lord of the Rings, the Game of Thrones movie, the fourth Matrix.
Game of Thrones is based even though they ruined the last 2 seasons. Still haven’t gotten the time to watch LoTR though.
The fourth matrix? That’s an unpopular choice. I’ve yet to meet someone who enjoyed that last movie. They should’ve left it at the 3rd one.
I watched the first three a while ago but they felt dragged on and not very eye-opening. The fourth one had a good sense of interpretation to it.
Interesting. What are some of your other passtimes?
Photography, anamorphosis art, various other forms of art (I tend to jump between these), and cryptography.
A lot of interesting stuff here. When you say cryptography, do you mean you enjoy PGP signing your messages, or is that your job?
By cryptography I refer to alternate expressions of communication, at least compared to most people who limit their means of communication expressions. My most commonly used method is a certain code where every possible set of two colours are combined to get thirty six combinations, which are then each assigned to one of the twenty six letters or one of the ten one-digit numbers, equaling thirty-six. Any object can be a form of communication if you try hard enough.