Manage your finances. Know where every penny goes. Budget as best as you can - plan for all of the things you know you spend money on through a year. It doesn’t mean you can’t spend money on things you like, but it does mean that you know when you can afford it. It gives you confidence and control no matter how much you are making.
There are some services I use that make like a million charges under a dollar. Those are really hard to manage so I use a privacy card with a spending limit to keep track of them.
Manage your finances. Know where every penny goes. Budget as best as you can - plan for all of the things you know you spend money on through a year. It doesn’t mean you can’t spend money on things you like, but it does mean that you know when you can afford it. It gives you confidence and control no matter how much you are making.
There are some services I use that make like a million charges under a dollar. Those are really hard to manage so I use a privacy card with a spending limit to keep track of them.