UCLA chemists have found a big problem with a fundamental rule of organic chemistry that has been around for 100 years—it's just not true. And they say, It's time to rewrite the textbooks.
As a chemist when I read such a title I already know it’s one of those organic chemistry rule of thumb rules. All of them are named and most of them old and from text books. Such rules are useful rules for drawing stick figures of molecules. They are not the same as actual rules of physics for example.
But it’s always cool when someone finds out how to make molecular structures we thought wouldn’t work.
As a chemist when I read such a title I already know it’s one of those organic chemistry rule of thumb rules. All of them are named and most of them old and from text books. Such rules are useful rules for drawing stick figures of molecules. They are not the same as actual rules of physics for example.
But it’s always cool when someone finds out how to make molecular structures we thought wouldn’t work.