So, I am (finally) having the first appointment for my diagnosis. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t stressed at all… Any tips?
For context, I’ll be with my father (they asked for a parent to come), with whom I have a complicated relationship (no hostility, but still he is stressful to be around).
I recommend writing down everything you can think of that you might want to talk about. Sensory issues you struggle with, stims that help you, special interests you enjoy, social difficulties - anything you can think of when you’re not sitting in front of a stranger. Then, when you’re at the appointment, if your mind goes blank (like mine often does), you’ll have the info ready to go.
I also agree with the person who said to try to not have your dad in the room the whole time at all the appointments so they have a chance to see you in other contexts.
Good luck! It’s going to be fine!
My dad coming should be just a one-time thing, he lives hundreds of kilometers away and wouldn’t make the trip just for fun. But yeah, writing it down is definitely something I’m doing (thanks for reminding me, I would have forgotten…)