Doesn’t need to be a life or death situation, just any moment in your life where you found yourself saying “Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening!”

    5 months ago

    Probably being on stage with Green Day. That was pretty crazy. I’d thought about it for years prior to that point and when Billie Joe pointed at me and said “do you know the lyrics? You swear to god?” instinct kinda just took over. I was floating for days afterward

    5 months ago

    Somewhere around 2010 I was playing Modern Warfare 2 with my homie and we ended up in a match against a clan. They were talking a lot about Limp Bizkit. We asked how this one guy knew so much about them, and he said “cause I’m the singer haha.”

    Dude shared the website to his clan which had his gamertag and sure as hell I was playing CoD with Fred Durst. He was really chill.

    5 months ago

    When I stared into my husband’s eyes as he calculated the consequences of beating me in front of our 2yo.

    Followed closely by being ordered by a judge to allow him at the birth of my second child that he had claimed wasn’t his fifteen minutes previously.

    4 months ago

    Right as the metro was reaching my station, I fell asleep. In a wagon I thought was empty, a stranger asked me to leave, otherwise I’d go all the way to the next station.

    It must have someone who I’ve traveled with on the way back many times and I’d never noticed, but it’s cool to remember.

    5 months ago

    One really oddly specific realization I made a few years ago.

    First, they were filming The Last Of Us (season 1) in my city for a few days, on the street behind mine - the street was closed off to keep the crowds out and from the crowds making noise, but they couldn’t close my alley that lead into the street (through a parking lot) because it was the only way for cars in some of the buildings to leave. So the alley remained open and the parking lot connecting it to the filming location was open because they were going to have shots take place on it.

    So it meant that while crowds were forming around both sides of the block trying to see into this street, I happened to notice that my back alley and the lot connecting it to the filming location were wide open, with only some lighting people and production assistants there. Since they couldn’t not let me be there in my own alley, I asked if I could stand quietly on the sidelines and watch the production because that interests me, and maybe I could get a glimpse of a dreamy Pedro Pascal (they said sure and I stood in the alley and moved when they had to film it).

    Now unrelated, but a a year earlier, my spouse and I used a real estate agent to look for condos in the area, but A) didn’t like anything and B) didn’t like how pushy this agent was - she was loud and manipulative and kept trying to convince me that I liked something when I didn’t. We ended up ditching her and doing a private sale to buy the condo. She, in an email, called my husband “a man of no integrity” because she was pissy we didn’t earn her an easy commission I guess.

    So the strangest moment of my life was standing in the alley nearly alone, when Ana Torv, Bella Ramsay, and Pedro Pascal start walking towards me and stop 10 feet away in the parking lot. They’re chatting and preparing to shoot a now-cut scene of them emerging from the parking lot onto the destroyed street. I just look like a production assistant because I’m the only onlooker there and am a little starstruck and just watching, when our attempted real estate agent, who has an office on my street and has no idea that filming is happening, or cares, walks through the alley screaming on her phone in the most loud and obnoxious voice. I just remember looking over and thinking “oh god, that stupid awful bitch is disturbing the filming” and when I turned back, Pedro Pascal was looking annoyed at her too because she was the loudest thing on set without knowing she was a disturbance.

    Long story short, the strangest sentence I can truthfully construct is “Pedro Pascal and I were both pissed at my former real estate agent at the same time

    5 months ago

    So this one is a doozy, and I still have trouble believing this happened to me.

    My ex was cheating on me. I confirmed it by checking her phones location (yeah I know, shitty thing to do but there were LOADS of red flags and we were each other’s first everything). I decided I was going to confront her at her fuck buddies house. I drove an hour to get there. I was about to turn into the subdivision, and for some reason just had a feeling that I should stop. Once I did, I realized it was stupid to do this. I knew she was cheating, so what sense was there to confront her?

    So I turned around and started to head back home when I realized that there was a huge jacked up truck RIGHT on my ass. It was the guy she was cheating on me with. Turns out, it was a college professor for a class we were both in (this was a long time ago).

    So I’m driving along, and this guy starts to try to run me off the road, so I start speeding up. He’s trying to get alongside me to ram me. I’m freaking the FUCK out. I’m doing probably 110 mph down a winding back road that I had never been on. No GPS and barely any cell service. I remember calling my mom, and telling her I was going to die. I’ll never forget that. She tells me to hang up and call the cops. I call 911 and give them the rundown, or at least I try to, but I lose signal. It’s at that moment when I see this dude pull a pistol and aim it at my car from his window. He starts firing at me. I miraculously get cell signal again and call the cops. I tell them the road and mile marker that I’m on, and they tell me they’ll have 2 cops posted up ahead and to stop there.

    I stop by the cops and they RIP me out of the car and throw me on the ground and handcuff me. Screaming at me asking where the gun is. I tell them that I didn’t have the gun, it was the guy that just flew by them doing 120mph.

    It was at that moment that they tell me to stay on the ground and THEY BOTH GET IN THEIR CARS TO CHASE HIM. I’M STILL FUCKING HANDCUFFED, and now, all alone.

    They come back and said that they couldn’t catch up to him, but he had told them he had me on camera breaking into his house (how did they speak to him if they didn’t catch up to him ???). I tell them to take me to jail then and have him prove it with the video. They ask me what I was doing in this small town, and I tell them the truth.

    They ask to call my soon to be ex so they could speak to her. I gave them her number and they called her and put her on speaker. THIS GIRL TELLS THEM SHES NEVER EVEN MET ME! We’d been together for 4 years!

    They tell me to just leave, and that I wasn’t welcome back into the town.

    6 months later my dad gets a job in that town and we moved there. Luckily I moved out right after.

      5 months ago

      Man fuck that girl, fuck those cops, fuck that psycho guy, fuck that small town, fuck your cell carrier. Fuck every character in this story except you. And maybe your dad.

      5 months ago

      Crazy! I have a similar ish story. Girlfriend and I went to the bird refuge at night to smooch in the car and a truck pulls up behind us, after a minute we decide to leave and they follow. Very rural area. The truck passes and then stops in front of us, we go around and then it’s like my life became a videogame. The truck passed again and this time stops more horizontal to block both lanes, I start to go around and they pull forward, I’m able to go around their other side. I had a shitty manual that could do 0 to 60 in like 40 seconds but I felt fast. A few 90 degree turns on the road. Quite a lot happened on the chase, they nearly rear ended me when I tried to not let them pass, turned around after they passed, turned around again later. Told my girlfriend to call the police but she was crying and screaming and didn’t. And then they ran me off the road into a ditch. 2 guys get out of the truck, I get out of my camry and they’re like “who the fuck are you?!!” I yelled it back at them. They said they’re looking for some person who wasn’t me. I called them a bunch of names. They towed me out of the ditch. I never told my parents because they were Mormon and I didn’t want to get in trouble for going to the refuge with my girlfriend at night lol. It 100% doesn’t feel like it really happened