“We will institute the powerful death penalty for drug dealers, where each dealer is responsible for the death, during their lives, of 500 people or more,” he said.

"Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing in hosp … and we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms screaming, ‘What can I do, what can I do? Help me God, what can I do?’ We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess,” Trump continued, pivoting suddenly.

“You sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won’t leave, that they have no idea when they will. Where ticket prices have tripled. They don’t have the pilots to fly the planes, they don’t seek qualified air traffic controllers, and they just don’t know what the hell they are doing.”

“We will take over the horribly run capital of our nation in Washington, D.C., and clean it up, renovate it, and rebuild our capital city, so that it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime. But rather it will become the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world,” Trump said.

“Right now, if you leave Florida, ‘Oh, let’s go, darling, let’s look at the Jefferson Memorial, let’s look at the Washington Monument, let’s go and look at some of the beautiful scenes,’ and you end up getting shot, mugged, raped,” he warned, promising that he’d run the city “tough and smart.”

Watch Here:



  • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I don’t care to compare Biden to a random person - I care to compare him to himself, 4 years ago. And I’ll vote for him, but for fucks’ sake, stop gaslighting us. It’s clear he’s in mental decline. If this was my grandpa, I’d force him to go to the doctor and I would probably not let him drive.

    And yes, part of being president is public speaking - so if you cannot do that, then you aren’t qualified to be president. You’re correct there. That’s like, vitally important to the job.

    No doctor can make that declaration due to HIPPA and state laws regarding diagnosing someone who isn’t your patient.

    Yes, Trump is worse. I’ve never disagreed there. But it’s kinda concerning the only thing in the way of a fascist dictator is a man who is visibly going senile, and that man also will be in charge of laws and nuclear codes. It’s like, bad dude. Like really really bad. I’d vote for fucking Dolly Parton or Willie Nelson over either of these guys. I’d vote for a dog or a cat. I’d vote for a toddler over them. I’m sure a toddler could understand climate change better to be honest.

    It doesn’t matter really anyway. We ran out of time. We are all walking corpses anyway. Enjoy your last few years. Even if we got the perfect climate president, even if every country in the world had perfect climate presidents, we’d still be pretty much out of time before we could make a solution (which will take years and will release more carbon and greenhouse gases). It was a good run.

      • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Work is inherently ableist. There are many many medical conditions that would stop someone from being an effective president, including dementia and aphasias. You could say it’s ableist to allow a person who can’t consent (not being in their right mind), to do as dangerous of a job and as taxing of a job as president.

        And being able to communicate is pretty critical lol, regardless if you agree or not. A speech impediment is fine if it doesn’t impact communication, but yes it’s an issue if you can’t understand them at all, unless they could perhaps sign (as in sign language). Communication isn’t about speaking perfectly, it’s about understanding your thoughts and getting others to see your point of view. Biden is not able to do either as he’s switching names entirely, eg VP Trump and President Putin snafus.

        • El Barto@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          You could say it’s ableist to allow a person who can’t consent (not being in their right mind), to do as dangerous of a job and as taxing of a job as president.

          That’s not what ableism is about, though. A person who can’t consent is a person with a disability, sure. But not everyone with a disability is at a disadvantage. If Biden was in a wheelchair, and people said that he shouldn’t be president because he can’t walk, that’s ableism. Biden has a speech impediment, and yet, he can think clearly. If you say that because “he can’t talk good” then he can’t be a president, then yes, that’s ableism.

          President Putin snaffu

          I’ll give you the “Trump” example, but I don’t like the “Putin” example, because he was quick to correct himself.

          • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            That is 100% what ableism is about. Or do you think it’s okay to let mentally handicapped people be first line soldiers in war? Should Forrest Gump have fought in Vietnam? Is it not specifically taking advantage of their cognitive disability to have them perform a dangerous job they can’t fully understand?

            One of the most abused groups are the disabled, particularly if they cannot communicate well. Making sure people with cognitive decline can actually consent and aren’t being taken advantage of is so important, we have special jobs called bioethicists who consult with hospitals about this. It’s exactly what ableism is about.

            I have no problem if Biden was in a wheelchair. You don’t need to walk to be president. It doesn’t interfere with his ability to consent. It doesn’t interfere with his ability to communicate. Both are essential for the job.

            Also I can tell you aren’t disabled and don’t know anyone who is disabled. Because if you k ew these things, you’d know about reasonable accomodation which already covers this topic. If your disability fully stops you from doing the job, legally you can be fired and it’s not considered ableism. I highly recommend you read the various cases and reasonable accomodations workplaces implement. It will help you better understand why you’re so blatantly incorrect on multiple fronts.

            But the problem here isn’t a stutter, IT’S APHASIA. That’s significantly worse, and he’s gotten NOTICABLY WORSE over time. It’s honestly a shocking level of decline in a person who can declare war and has the nuclear football. I would not allow my grandma to drive if she was having that many absent moments and aphasia issues because it implies she has brain damage. It’s not that he cannot SPEAK, it’s that he cannot COMMUNICATE because he has SEVERE COGNITIVE ISSUES he can no longer hide!!! That’s how bad they are!!! It would be totally fine if all he has was a stutter. That’s not what he has.

            He also didn’t fully correct himself - he never stated Zelensky’s name. He appeared to have forgotten it. And he’s met Zelensky more than once.

            Eta: I take that last paragraph back, he does say Zelensky’s name

            • El Barto@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              Or do you think it’s okay to let mentally handicapped people be first line soldiers in war?

              I’ll stop you right here. That’s a false equivalence, or a weak analogy, whichever you prefer.

              It’s not that he cannot SPEAK, it’s that he cannot COMMUNICATE because he has SEVERE COGNITIVE ISSUES he can no longer hide!!!

              Again, you are not a doctor, and I am not one either. When an actual doctor diagnoses him and says that he is not competent enough to be president, in public, I’ll come back here and admit that you have a point.

              He also didn’t fully correct himself - he never stated Zelensky’s name.

              He did say Zelenskyy’s name. You either forgot that, or didn’t notice, AHA! I don’t think you’re competent to be a Lemmy commenter (ok, just joking.)

              • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                It’s absolutely not a bad analogy, it’s actually quite apropos since the president’s other title is Commander in Chief, and he also could be shot in the line of duty as others before him have been. Why do you want to down play this so bad? You just enjoy abusing the disabled that much? Or do you like gaslighting others?

                Again, doctors cannot publicly say he has dementia without losing their license. Either because of HIPPA, or because of doctor/patient laws regarding diagnosing someone who you’ve never seen. So unless Biden tells his personal doctor it’s okay to release this info, you won’t get that. And it’s an absolutely preposterous standard to have imo but ofc up to you.

                You can have a medical condition without being diagnosed. Diagnosis is a description of what’s being observed. It’s completely observable in Biden in recordings that he has aphasia. If you need to take time to educate yourself about aphasia, go ahead. You seem very confused about it. If you want to wait for an “official” press release, go for it, but this is just like when there was OBVIOUS ELECTION interference happening and people were saying “well idk, let’s see what the judge says.” LOL we can see it!!! In front of our faces!

                If you could kindly time stamp where he says Zelensky’s name: https://youtu.be/0WGDsrRUsTc?si=nnDCT4nNisQu7a6T

                Eta: nvm! I saw it! I didn’t remember that part, my bad. I still think he’s having aphasia issues.

                • El Barto@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  It’s absolutely not a bad analogy, it’s actually quite apropos since the president’s other title is Commander in Chief,

                  Commanders in Chief are not first line soldiers lol

                  Again, doctors cannot publicly say he has dementia without losing their license.

                  Ah, I didn’t know that. But someone who is an expert in the field could chip in. Right now, it’s only political pundits, rich people, newscasters and gasp Hollywood stars!

                  Actually, here’s a couple of them:



                  I’ll concede that those may be biased, so if you find links supporting your claim from alleged experts in the associated medical field, please do share.

                  • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
                    3 months ago

                    They still get shot at? Do you think people with cognition errors should be in any dangerous job? Why not have our offshore welders all have down syndrome, we could legally pay them less and they’ll be easier to convince to go in those deep tunnels. And it benefits society for them to do that, we all need cheap energy, right?

                    Experts in the field CANNOT speak up without losing their licenses and possibly being sued. They CANNOT diagnose someone they do not have a doctor-patient relationship with, where they’ve seen the person for that specific condition within the last year. The ONLY reason so many medical experts were speaking out about Trump was because they were so worried and were fine risking their license over it, and because they were not actually “diagnosing” him - most called him ‘a narcissist,’ not someone with narcissistic personality disorder (the latter being a diagnosis, the former being a character trait arguably).

                    Use your own eyes. Read about aphasia. I think you can put 2+2 together on this one. You don’t really need an expert for this.

            • El Barto@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              Also I can tell you aren’t disabled and don’t know anyone who is disabled.

              Double-comenting because I worked for a Disabilities Office in a college campus long ago. And I’m the one who is always pointing out ADA failures left and right (like when coworkers send e-mail announcements consisting in images of text.)

              So… sorry, you’re wrong here.

              • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Was it before the ADA was put in place? If that’s actually true, and you weren’t some low level receptionist/worker, your opinions are genuinely shocking and do not line up with the disabled communities’ general thoughts on ableism. You do not come across as being even slightly educated on this.

                Did you have a coworker or person who needed text to voice? If not, why advocate for that? You don’t need to accommodate a disability that none of your coworkers have lol. This is different than making public spaces accessible to the general public, eg wheelchair ramps and wheelchair accessible bathrooms.

                • El Barto@lemmy.world
                  3 months ago

                  you weren’t some low level receptionist/worker,

                  Nope, I was a teaching assistant. And it’s silly (to put it mildly) that you dismiss the role of receptionists/office workers in an Disability Services office. Do you think they’d put just about anyone without being at least trained how to deal with students with disabilities entering the office?

                  You do not come across as being even slightly educated on this.

                  This is an absolutist statement. Did I say “who cares about the disabled lol” or something like that for you to say that I’m not even “slightly educated” on this? and Frankly, you attacking the person and not the argument is starting to get old. You remind me of that other poster that for him, it was his way or the highway, no middle-grounds.

                  And now I can see why you think the way you think. Given the conversation so far, it seems like for you Biden must either be “100% superman” or else he’s useless. No middle ground. The funny thing is that I don’t even like Biden!

                  Did you have a coworker or person who needed text to voice? If not, why advocate for that? You don’t need to accommodate a disability that none of your coworkers have lol. This is different than making public spaces accessible to the general public, eg wheelchair ramps and wheelchair accessible bathrooms.

                  I don’t understand why you said this or how this is relevant to the conversation.

                  A’aight. Let’s just leave it at we disagree and I don’t like your way of arguing these matters. You can say I’m an ignorant fuck and feel good about yourself. Awesome! Alright. Have a nice day.

                  • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
                    3 months ago

                    I used to be a receptionist at a medical office. That doesn’t mean I understand how to practice medicine. That is specifically what I meant by that.

                    They hired you, and you are clearly ignorant. What did you teach as a TA? You’re the one pulling an appeal to authority here, I’m questioning that completely because your argumentation is so bad. If you said you were a mechanic and told me to swap my engine oil with coolant, I’d be questioning you there too. You haven’t been addressing the content of my argument, or perhaps you simply agree to disagree. I will give you a little grace in the sense that you probably were working with disabled students, which is more line working with disabled customers at a job. We are talking about disability and how it applies to workers, not customers/the public. This is likely where your gap in knowledge (and hubris) comes from, because employee rights are different than student rights.

                    You are openly advocating for a man with cognitive decline to be president as if it’s nothing, and then you attempted to gaslight me by saying it’s ableist to not let him run. Yeah, that’s pretty bad, dude. It’s akin to saying “who cares about the disabled,” yeah, because it’s clear you don’t care about Biden’s safety and wellbeing as a person. You just want to use his meatsuit regardless of his condition (until a doctor says something or he steps down, per you). That’s why what you’re claiming is so offensive to me. Any disabled abuse is offensive, and on top of that, he could kill us all or declare war etc. It’s bad.

                    I will vote for Biden, you black-or-white strawmanner, and i never said I wouldn’t. I just think it’s morally WRONG to have him be president. I’ve clearly explained why. He doesn’t have to be superman - JUST NOT IN COGNITIVE DECLINE. You see there’s a huge range between the two right?

                    Did you have a coworker or person who needed text to voice?

                    Lol because you stated whenever there were images with text in them, you’d complain about the ADA violation in employee emails. Except it’s not a violation if you do not have a coworker who needs different accomodation. You’d fully understand this if you understood reasonable accomdations, disability, and the workplace. If you didn’t have staff who needed the text written elsewhere (which is used for text to voice, mainly for people who cannot see, sometimes for dyslexia), then you weren’t enforcing ADA. And you were actually damaging it and abusing the law, even though you yourself aren’t disabled. Cool, dog.