Yep, getting people to pay $40-60 bucks for a mobile game is basically impossible, and as a result the business model is either F2P or $3-5 bucks with egregious monetization to earn back the costs.
Yep, getting people to pay $40-60 bucks for a mobile game is basically impossible, and as a result the business model is either F2P or $3-5 bucks with egregious monetization to earn back the costs.
VR is one the aspects of Linux gaming that is still weak unfortunately. The Quest line of headsets for example just don’t work. On Quest 2 and Quest 3 you may have some success using ALVR, which is a remote streaming solution over wifi.
Definitely not crazy. The first trailer was way more frenetic and action packed. Second trailer feels more like PUBG or like a third person Warzone.