• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Translators - ehh. I don’t speak any other languages so I have no basis for comparison.

    But closed-caption writers for TV shows… all of the fucking rage.

    I have some audio-processing issues meaning that closed-captions make life vastly easier, but I’m not actually hard of hearing per se.

    Why do they always dumb down the dialogue? I can understand abridging rapid-fire chatter if there’s just too much to fit on screen, or not enough time to read it, but they’ll dumb down a six-word sentence with ten seconds of on-screen time.

    You know hard of hearing people aren’t fucking stupid, right? If I did lose my hearing and I were denied the actual writing as written by real writers, in favour of the rough gist supplied by some glorified typist, I would be absolutely goddamn livid. How dare they assume I’m semi-literate just becasue my hearing is crap?

  • That’s not the question.

    The question should be what choice does Harris have, except to stop Israel?

    If (as I strongly agree) trump is the worst human on the planet who will cause irreparable damage to :gestures wildly: fucking everything, then why doesn’t his opponent have the responsibility to do whatever the hell it takes, within the law to keep him out of power?

    Especially as in this instance his opponent is currently sworn to be responsible for the ongoing welfare of the nation.

    Imagine being so fucking intent on enabling genocide half a planet away that you’d rather let your own country fall into the hands of Camacho Harkonnen rather than attract progressive voters.

  • It’s true that the centre-right (the dems in the US, the labor party in Australia, etc) do use that tactic as a way of shutting down criticism.

    Candidate: If elected, I will fully fund children’s cancer research, and also promote puppy-stomping as a national sport.

    Progressives: We’re not voting for puppy-stomping, you sick bastard.

    Centrists: Oh, so you want children to die of cancer, we see how it is; all this virtue-signalling about puppies is just a smokescreen so you can get your jollies over tiny child coffins.

    But while that’s absolutely something that needs to be addressed - I’ve been around forums since the freaking 90s, and callout threads have never, ever ended well, either for themselves or for the place they’re posted in. They never have the effect you want, and borrowing far-right terms like ‘derangement syndrome’ doesn’t help either.

    If you come out swinging with a subject like ‘c/politics is a lost cause’ and a buch of hyperbolic-sounding statements - then whether or not they’re true or justified, the whole thing ends up with big handwritten-sign energy, the province of karen neighbours and paranoid nutjobs.

    And a community that rewards that kind of thing with attention rapidly turns into a toxic shithole of interpersonal drama and weird little cliques forming with their own little catch-phrases, and six months down the line it may as well be r/the_donald.

    Perhaps it shouldn’t happen, but I guarantee it always will.

    If you want to talk about shitty wedge politics, your best hope is a top-down approach: start with broad principles, and let the discussion filter down to specifics naturally.