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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • I think that’s a really strong argument for voting with choice you have, not the one you should have.

    It makes me sad to hear you say voting Greens “weighs heavy” on you though! Democracy often isn’t as strong as it should be, and people are forced between supporting candidates they dislike, or accepting their vote won’t count, but that isn’t your fault!

    This article is a really good think piece on how to vote. But if people choose to vote for neither of the two major candidates, I really hope nodody feels bad about it. The system sucks, not the voters!

  • Ah Marginalia is absolutely awesome! I feel like modern search is almost an extension of website names now, so if I want to find netflix but don’t know it’s website, I might search for “netflix”. Marginalia is actually a cool way to find new stuff- like you can search “bike maintenance” and find cool blog posts about that topic.

    I honestly can’t remember if that’s something google and the like used to do, but doesn’t now, or if they never did. Either way, I love it!

  • There are some awesome hobbies that involve no consumerism, but wanted to give a shout out for making existing consumerist hobbies more sustainable:

    • With cosplay- try making more costumes from existing clothes/costumes rather than buying everything new. Even picking themes that let you reuse stuff hekps reduce waste.
    • You can often loan things, if you like reading you don’t have to buy new books for everything! Libraries are a great resource and often stock new bestsellers.
    • When you can’t loan, second hand items are also great. Fast fashion is particularly unsustainable, but buying second hand clothing is a lot more sustainable.