Yeah, it changes without skipping a beat for me in pipewire, even in things like zoom/teams.
Yeah, it changes without skipping a beat for me in pipewire, even in things like zoom/teams.
I use a little oneliner with tofi (rofi/wofi would also work) to select the current output and avoid pavucontrol. It’s mapped to a sway binding but would probably work in any wm/de:
pactl set-default-sink $(pactl list short sinks |awk '{print $2}' |tofi $tofi_args)
I’m using pipewire so the functionality of pactl is actually provided through pipewire-pulse I think
Interesting, it is working for me in wayland and the drop down menus are fine but I’m using sway which is a totally different wayland implementation than what KDE is doing. I’m glad you found a workaround.
Unfortunately I don’t know what is causing the exact issue you are having, however here are a few things I found when doing this myself that are “gotchas” (not immediately obvious).
This is the reason your fonts are all Times New Roman. Go to that key using protontricks regedit and delete all the font replacements.
Anything you put in $HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa
stays there, even if you uninstall the game. If you want to “start over” you have to uninstall the game and then delete the whole assettocorsa directory there, and the wine prefix in $HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/compatdata/244210
AC and content manager work without .net changes in the latest GE but you do need corefonts
which you can install with protontricks. If you want to be extra sure you have the right .net you can install dotnet472 but I don’t believe this is necessary anymore as it will be installed automatically or is already installed. You may get a wine .net error the first time you launch the game but it’s only the first time.
If you choose to use CSP you have to unzip the archive you get from either Patreon or and manually copy the dwrite.dll
file into $HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/assettocorsa
on EVERY upgrade. The zip installer built into CM doesn’t do this correctly on Linux. It will cause rain not to work if you choose to use the Patreon version if you don’t do this manual step.
I think you should start over and make sure the assettocorsa directory is clean before re-installing the game. It could be missing fonts, but it’s hard to say. You can back it up somewhere if you have data in there you need.
the qobuz webapp is hi-res too, I just use it in Firefox and my dac reports the same bit/sample rate that qobuz does. AFAIK there’s no compression there though I haven’t extensively verified that, only that the end result is 24bit/192kHz if that’s what qobuz says is playing.
EDIT: Also, qobuz is nice because there’s very few things you can click on in the web interface which cause the music to stop playing. I really appreciate that feature… looking at you bandcamp…