Wordle 1.117 3/6
Wordle 1.117 3/6
Wordle 1.116 3/6
What’s your tactic? I now have a solid stating word (many vowels) that got me good results in the past couple of games
((( )))
You’re read something written by a right wing lunatic (Wiki )
Wordle 1.109 5/6
First time I’ve ever played, pretty fun actually! No idea how to format it properly tho
In Germany at least I think th most popular unit is Bar
Elementor shudders
What an absolute nightmare that was
Yes, that’s what I meant with “not easily”, you need the bridge
Using proton for a while, the only pain I have is that it can’t be easily set up in your average mail client (Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.)
On Google earth pro you can also look at older versions of the satellite maps, which is also very cool
As a non American, what does “15 years to life” mean?
Though one