No, the “negativity and positivity” folks are the kind I don’t wanna even to argue with. No, thanks.
One my friend, 7 years older than me, still depends on his parents to pay his rent. He talks like you about “negativity” and “positivity”, a lot. It would seem that attracting people is one of the few things he can do. He is my friend regardless of faults and mistakes, but if I were like you, he probably wouldn’t be.
Another my friend blabbers about “negativity and positivity” too, but sometimes posts really long walls of hardly-comprehensible maniacal texts at 2 AM involving lots of emotions. She doesn’t want to visit a psychiatrist. On a brighter side, she’s the only person which talks to me after the rejection just as well as before, and the rejection itself she managed to do right - simply by being human.
This is not a reason. I have a friend with the same amount of “negativity” as myself, that friend is a girl too, though. Helped me through hard times. She does have same problems as I do, but for girls it’s different.
And my sister’s boyfriend is of the “multiple suicide attempts” kind and his relative cheerfulness doesn’t quite seem cheerful.
And my cousins’ dad has PTSD from war, he’s a very cheerful man often, but he doesn’t treat “negativity” as something justifying what you justify.
Other than that, you having a cold or a food poisoning is also unattractive. Same with depression. These things come and go.
It’s cowardly and disgusting to discard people for this reason. I wouldn’t do that, I’m just surprised every time that for others it’s normal.
Also if you do that, then at least be direct and don’t behave as if it’s another’s fault, because that another is going to waste lots of effort and emotion to find out that they’ve done nothing wrong, it’s just that your parents have failed.
EDIT: Yep, didn’t want to argue that and wrote a rant.
I mean, you start with admitting your failure at reading comprehension. Why should I explore your reply further?
Looking through it diagonally - your choice of words, like “bitter”, “whine” and “entitledness” doesn’t really raise expectations.
The first part is some picture of me painted by your imagination without regard for my comments which admittedly contain a lot of text, often redundant.
The second part is pure demagogy without any essence with some traits of how people bad at motivational rhetoric imagine it.
I mean, however I would feel about various events in my life, I’m happy (literally, this comparison makes me feel much better right now) I’m not you.
If you are reading this expecting to find some answer to your opinions on me, and not a description of you, there will be none.