Caption: do y’alls hands ever itch so much you gotta just
Image: drawing of a a person scratching the base of their palm with their teeth
I’ve done this so many times I woulda never thought it’s a thing haha
I get this, but in my feet. Just have to rub the bottom of my foot on something and hope for the best. Suuuuucks.
Do you ever have to just like smack the part against something? Sometimes thats the only way to get relief, like if its on the top of the foot
Luckily haven’t had it on the top of the foot, but I’ve banged the bottom of my foot on stuff to try to itch it. Deep in the foot itch and unfortunately the stuff I do never helps for very long.
get a spiky massage ball, that works for me
If they’re red but otherwise normal, you probably have athlete’s foot. Especially likely if your toenails are yellow or anything like that. If they’re inflamed and dry, you probably have eczema/psoriasis. Prescription steroids clear it up really fast.
Yeah. Every few years in the Winter or whenever I get particularly stressed my hands and feet break out in red bumps with absolutely maddening subdermal itching. Biting and chewing is absolutely the only way to get proper (albeit temporary) relief.
Two weeks later all that skin is dead and I’m peeling like a lizard for a month straight. It’s awful.
Might want to talk to a doc about that (I used teledoc for cheap). I had terrible itching and pain brought on by changes in weather, turns out it was mild psoriasis. They prescribed a steroid cream which completely made the itching/pain go away. I put it on once or twice a year when i notice those bumps or any other symptoms and it just vanishes.
Buddy, you got eczema/psoriasis. Both are treated the same way though. Prescription steroidal creams/ointments. If you’re like most people, that’ll clear it up almost immediately.
Yep, and it comes out of nowhere. I go to the bathroom for it because I hate being perceived
The only time this ever happened to me was when I ate at Subway and had a weird allergic reaction and then my hands started getting puffy and my throat started getting puffy and then it was hard to swallow or breathe but I took an antihistamine and it went away but I never ate at Subway again because seriously WTF that’s never happened to me before or since
Yes, I absolutely do that. I also itch the back of my hand with my stubble under my chin
Oh my god yes, all the time
Who else did it just now
Isn’t this a symptom of diabetes or one of these long-term illnesses?
Tingling of the feet/fingertips technically can be (though usually only the feet) a sign of diabetic vasculopathy. But itchy hands on it’s own is generally just weird human shit
Well if you’d stop stroking your private-personal-spaces, you wouldn’t have this problem.
I think there’s plenty of people (myself included) that had to deal with itching like this before even discovering what masturbation is
…what? Are you one of those anti-fap weirdos?
Explain please
In this talk, I’ll explain how to not rub your Sin-Spots. Step one: look at your hands. Step two: look at your Downstairs. Well, I mean only as long as necessary. Actually, skip step two. Step three: don’t fondle your Cupid’s Warehouse with your hands. Repeat if necessary.
That’s not the question 😭😭 why does rubby rubby make hand itchy explain that
Oh, well, uh, sin is secreted… um… something something demons something itchy. I’ll be honest, I just wanted to spout euphemisms for penis and vagina, and it wasn’t well received. Carry on.
That’s not how anything works…