How do you listen to your music? Speakers, headphones, do you like streaming services, do you have a collection of your own? Vinyl? Personally I like vinyl if I’m listening on speakers, and my phone

  • @boydster
    421 days ago

    Love vinyl, but for practicality I also have to say I’m really happy with my FLAC digital collection right now served through Plex. I’ve got a JBL sound system for my living room that plays all my audio whether music or video related.

    But then I also listen to mp3 stuff using crappy Bluetooth ear buds when the volume needs to stay down, so I’m not exactly an audio snob either

    • @epl692OP
      220 days ago

      Do you use Plexamp?

      • @boydster
        119 days ago

        Thank you, friend, this is something I had no idea I was looking for!

  • db0
    321 days ago

    Spotify for the convenience. Scrobble everything to listenbrainz. Use listenbrainz and spotify to discover new stuff constantly. I mostly listen to music every second I’m awake if I can help it, primarily on headphones to not annoy others.

  • @tor
    322 days ago

    I tend not to seek out music too often. When I do, I typically use some inexpensive Logitech speakers on my desktop, finding music either using Shortwave or FreeTtube When I am trying to focus really hard on something, I may get out my headphones (some older SHURE SHR440’s). Though I don’t do that for too long because my ears and head start to ache from wearing those. For collections, I did start a “Favorites” list on FreeTube, but that is not very big and I usually go to one or two songs to play on repeat while working.

  • @BlackRing
    220 days ago

    Noise cancelling headphones on my phone through Spotify.

    Much more often listening to podcasts though, same way. Car speakers when I’m driving.

    221 days ago

    Ive got a large collection of digital music. And a collection of vinyl records. But mostly i stream from my phone. I pay for no advertising in my streaming service.

    I’ve bought a couple cheap amplifiers that i plugged into speakers so i can listen to music with good quality audio. Im no audiophile but having a dedicated sound system really ups my enjoyment of music

  • Ivy Raven
    117 days ago

    I used to use speakers, but they kind of crapped out. And limited space for the computer made it harder to have them around so I switched to headphones.

    So I don’t use any streaming services beyond my YouTube ‘playlists’ of songs that are all like 10 to 20 years old at this point. Used to use, but they switched to a model that required a subscription to listen to the only channel I listened to which was extremely disappointing to me for a time. When it comes to physical media I love CDs and actually buy some occasionally. I know they’re a ‘dying media type’, same with all physical media, and it makes me so sad/mad because I much prefer to have a physical copy of something I enjoy. While I don’t use my CDs much they are my go to way of getting music when I am in my car.

    120 days ago

    I use YouTube music, as I have a YouTube premium subscription, with a headset and a dac/amp on high volume. I use loop earplugs for sound sensitivities, so I don’t hear anything outside of my headset by default, which in turn means I have to have the volume even higher which makes the bass feel really hard.

    • I'm back on my BS 🤪
      120 days ago

      Same with YT Music. I have a desire to de-google, but I haven’t made it priority. If I focus solely on my user experience, it’s pretty good. They have everything I would ever want to listen to. However, I do want to stop supporting companies whose business practices don’t match my values.